DD Curl Lashes

Finding the right lash curl can be tough, especially if you have straight or downward-facing lashes that don’t hold a curl easily. Many people struggle to achieve that lifted, eye-opening look that makes their eyes appear bigger and more awake.

You’ve probably tried various lash curlers, mascaras, and even extensions, but nothing seems to give you the dramatic, lasting results you want. This can be frustrating and time-consuming, leaving you feeling like you’ll never find the perfect solution.

Why should you try DD Curl Lashes?

DD curl lashes are designed specifically for those who want maximum curl and lift. Unlike regular lashes, DD curl lash extensions have an extra curl that lifts and opens up your eyes, making them look bigger and more attractive. They not only enhance the natural beauty of your eyes but also give you that wow factor you’ve been searching for. Let’s learn about each part of the DD Curl lashes. We’ll also go through some of the best DD curl eyelash extensions.

By the end of this article, you’ll see why DD curl lashes are special for eyelash extensions.

DD Curl Lashes

What Is DD Curl Lashes?

DD Curl lashes are a type of eyelash extension that gives a dramatic curl to your lashes. They are thicker and more curled than other types, like C or D curls, making your lashes look fuller and more glamorous. DD Curl lashes are great for people who want a bold, splashy look.

A professional lash technician applies these lashes to your natural lashes using a special adhesive. DD Curl lashes can last several weeks with proper care, giving you long-lasting, beautiful lashes.

Aspects Of DD Lash Curl

Aspects Of DD Lash Curl

  • Size/Thickness: DD curl lash extensions usually come in a thickness range of 0.03 mm to 0.25 mm. The specific thickness you choose will depend on the desired look and the natural lash strength.
  • Length: The length of DD Lash Curl extensions typically ranges from 5 mm to 20 mm. Shorter lengths are often used for inner corners, while longer lengths are used for the middle and outer parts of the lash line to create a more dramatic effect.
  • Materials: DD curl lashes are most commonly made from PBT (Polybutylene Terephthalate). PBT is a lightweight and flexible synthetic material that mimics the look and feel of natural mink fur.
  • Procedure Time: The application procedure for lash curl DD typically takes around 1.5 to 3 hours, depending on the technician’s speed and the client’s natural lash condition.

Procedure + After Care Tips

dd lash curl application

To apply DD curl lashes, the following procedure will be done by professional:

1. Consultation: The process begins with a consultation to understand your preferences and choose the length, and thickness for your lashes.

2. Preparation: Your lashes are cleansed to remove any makeup or oils. Your lower lashes are protected with a gel pad or tape.

3. Isolation: Each natural lash is isolated using tweezers to ensure the extension is applied to a single lash, avoiding clumping.

4. Extension Application: An extension is carefully applied to each isolated natural lash using adhesive. This process is repeated until all lashes are extended.

5. Setting: The adhesive is allowed to dry completely to secure the extensions in place.

Here are the aftercare tips, so that the lash extension last longer.

1. Avoid Water and Heat: For the first 24 hours, avoid getting your lashes wet or exposing them to heat, such as saunas or steam.

2. Gentle Cleansing: Use a mild, oil-free cleanser to clean your lashes and avoid rubbing or pulling on them.

3. Brush Regularly: Gently brush your lashes with a clean mascara wand to prevent them from tangling.

4. Avoid Oil-Based Products: Oil can break down the adhesive, so avoid oil-based makeup and skincare products near your eyes.

5. Maintenance: Schedule regular touch-ups every 2-3 weeks to maintain the fullness of your lashes.

6. Protective Sleep Position: Try to sleep on your back to avoid crushing your lashes while sleeping.


Removing DD curl lashes is a delicate process that should be done by a professional to avoid damaging your natural lashes. The technician will use a special adhesive remover to loosen the lash extensions gently. For safety, You’ll need to keep your eyes closed throughout the procedure.

The technician will carefully remove each extension, ensuring that it does not pull or tug on your natural lashes. After the extensions are removed, your natural lashes may appear shorter or sparser temporarily, but they will gradually return to their normal state. Following aftercare instructions is essential to promote lash health and prevent damage.


dd curl volume lashes

dd curl lash extensions

dd curl individual lashes

lash curls dd

dd curl classic lashes

dd lash curl

DD Curl Lashes vs D Curl

Here is the difference between d and dd curl lashes:

DD Curl:

  • The “DD” curl is a more dramatic curl compared to the “D” curl.
  • It provides a more pronounced lift and curl to the lashes, creating a more noticeable and glamorous look.
  • DD curls are typically chosen by ones who desire a more dramatic, voluminous, and eye-catching effect.

D Curl:

  • The “D” curl is a standard curl used in lash extensions.
  • It offers a natural-looking lift to the lashes, providing a slight curve upwards.
  • It’s suitable for people who want a subtle improvement to their natural lashes without an overly dramatic effect.

Best DD Curl Lash Extensions

When it comes to the best DD curl lash extensions, there are several top-notch options to consider. Here are some of them:

The Lash Professional offers DD curl volume lashes that are designed for people looking for a dramatic, extra curly look. These lashes come in a natural matte finish with a true black color, and they are conveniently labeled by length in trays containing 16 rows.

Another one of the best option is Tdance Premium DD Curl Lashes, which are made with high-quality Korean false mink silk for a soft and lightweight feel. These lashes are perfect for achieving a fuller look, especially with Russian volume sets. They are available in various curls, lengths ranging from 10mm to 20mm, and thickness options. The foil backing paper makes them easy to use and remove without leaving residue.

For those looking for handmade quality, LLBA Promade Fans DD Curl Lashes are a good option. These fans are 100% handmade from high-quality PBT material, ensuring a soft and dark finish with a tiny base. They are cost-effective, with packages containing 480 to 530 fans per box, making them a budget-friendly choice. These lashes are light and comfortable to wear, providing a natural look that lasts 4-6 weeks when properly applied.

Lastly, Vavalash DD Curl Eyelash Extensions offer a premium option with specifications that suitable for different preferences. These lashes are made of high-quality PBT silk, providing a natural look and feel with a matte deep black finish. They are 100% handmade, ensuring a stable curl that is not easily deformed. The foil backing paper makes them easy to use and remove, and they come with a 100% guarantee return policy for customer satisfaction.

DD Curl Lashes Before And After Video

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